Trashcans are uniform objects, spread according to density within public space and ‘open’ to ‘input’ from the public.
We could give this ‘input’ a twist by adding one more trashcan and providing both cans with a word. Both cans thus become opposite answers to a central question.
The throw-away gesture then becomes a little political or social act, provoking citizens to pause for a moment and consider how they think about certain topics.
These topics can be both light or heavy, trivial or deep.
The overall installation will result in a kind of ‘public opinion barometer’, having no official value but allowing a community to ‘read’ their trashcans and see how the people around them think or feel.
The installation could also be used by local polititians or concerned citizens as a tool to initiate micro referendums around certain issues.
Garbage cans could be placed at underground exits where used tickets could be disposed as ‘voting bills’